Gas Boosters
Gas Boosters
Model 540/2
Boost the pressure of natural gas and biogas in any building, including offices, schools, factories, hotels, restaurants and more.
1300 m3/hr
60 mbar
4 kW
Power Supply
400 V
Supply Phase
Features & Benefits
Working alongside British Gas, Secomak designed, developed & manufactured the first gas booster back in 1966. Our range is designed to increase gas pressure supply where required to allow the efficient and effective operation of Burners, Boilers, CHP’s, ovens, furnaces to name a few.
Machined from a solid
Secomak impellors are aerodynamically designed for maximum performance and efficiency. Constructed and machined from a single piece of aluminium ensures smooth rotation with unrivalled reliability.
Sealed for life Bearings
Sealed for life bearing design together with precision machined impellors result in a long operating life, fewer parts to maintain and incredibly quick and easy maintenance.
A range of boosters
Our boosters are available in many variations to match your pressure and flow demands. Available in single and 3 phase power and supporting 240 to 415V supply, we have solutions suitable for global installation requirements.
Built to last and gas safe
Designed and manufactured in the UK, each gas booster assembled goes through rigorous testing in accordance with the British Standard 8487:2007. Delivering maximum product quality, consistency and conforming to IGEM UP/2 Regulations.
Available Packages