Gas boosters Installation
The Customer
A multi-disciplined Commercial Heating Company. Maracom are based in London and are a trusted installer for commercial businesses of all sizes. From pumps and pipework to full industrial commercial heating systems. They also are highly competent in all aspects of pipework. Maracom have provided new gas boosters as part of their project at The Minster Building in London. This site has seen an increase in size with extra boilers being added to serve a Gym now on site along with other additions.
The Challenge
Maracom were working at the Minster Building, where replacement gas boosters were required to help with an inadequate gas pressure supply. The requirement was for them to source units that were available with the appropriate lead time and suitable for an ATEX rated environment with advice on correct components and controls. When in certain areas, Gas Boosters can be required to be ATEX rated. Although the fan chamber and other parts are not, the motor, which is the moving part can be supplied as an ATEX version. ATEX safe pressure switches have also been sourced for this project.
The gas boosters are also located in a room which to access involves climbing a ladder with minimal room and the control panel located in the corridor outside of the room. Due to a previous installation, it was possible for the new boosters to be located in a meter room as they were replacements. In new installations gas boosters would have to be located in a separate room in line with IGEM/UP2.
The Solution
The customer worked with Secomak to specify and install the most suitable, and complete gas booster solution available. This included acoustic shrouds, a gas sensor system and also commissioning of the units carried out by Secomak after the installation. The installation was also fitted with Gas Reservoirs to assist with any low inlet pressure concerns.
The booster used was our 581/2 Duty and Standby APS and Gas Sensor system accompanied with the installation kit, gas reservoirs and shrouds. Compatible with CHP, Boilers and Burners and Building Management Systems. Featuring ribbed fan chambers for additional strength, it is fully compliant with British Standard 8487 (2007 & 2013).
The Benefits
Using the Duty and Standby system
The APS Inverter maintains consistent outlet pressure. If inlet pressure should drop, the system compensates instantly and guards against low inlet pressure. Soft-Start technology reduces shock and load on the motor and bearings, potentially extending component life. Gas consumption is monitored by a transducer, which reduces load on the gas booster and therefore electrical consumption where appropriate.
This intelligent “on demand” programming also reduces the noise and further protects the bearings from excess wear. The system allows the gas boosters to run at the load required, instead of full speed continuously. The system allows the boosters to maintain a specific outlet pressure, but governors should still be used prior to appliances if these appliances have a maximum pressure requirement.
The Duty Standby alternates automatically between two boosters every seven days to equalise wear on the bearings and drives. When downtime is not an option, the Duty Standby ensures supply is never interrupted by maintenance, as one booster will always be in operation as the other unit is serviced.
By using the gas reservoirs before the gas boosters it helps negate any chance of nuisance tripping on changeover of the boosters or during high fire times when all boilers may be running.
The gas sensor system was also used in this project as acoustic enclosures were used to reduce noise level. Where these are used our specialised system is required to remove the risk of gas leaks going unnoticed inside the enclosure. The sniffers will cut the boosters out should there be gas present and have to be manually reset by an engineer who would be alerted to the issue by the sensor box which is supplied along with the standard Secomak control box.
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